I provide individual therapy and couples therapy in person or online.
I believe that regardless of your situation, you can move beyond problems. We can find awareness that can lead to action and resiliency. Rather than putting the focus on analysis of your issues, I will help you discover realistic solutions that potentially assist you in reengaging with your life in more fulfilling directions. Together we identify ways to help you create a happy, meaningful life.
Far too often people consider seeking counseling a sign of weakness. I do not believe this to be true. It takes tremendous courage to move with pain toward the life of your dreams. I love helping clients identify their wisdom, hope, and strength that exist despite their pain and their fears. Counseling with me can nourish your soul and help to heal your painful wounds.
My services can help with the following areas:
Spiritual/Religious Struggles
Marriage and Couples Counseling
Substance Abuse/Misuse
Life Coaching
Gender Issues
Coaching and consulting Services
Couples work
Whether you need to create new patterns of behavior, or just need to refine your skills, I'm available to help you get through the rough times. With individual or couples counseling, we will work together to develop positive relationship skills. A better life is possible for you and the ones you love. I am a solution-focused counselor, which means I help clients set goals for their relationships and help them identify tangible steps toward reaching those goals.
I use a lot of the relationship research education of relationship expert Dr. John Gottman, author of books including "The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work" and "The Relationship Cure:A Five Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships." I have completed the Gottman Level I training. I also have found great value in the emotionally focused work of Dr. Sue Johnson and her book, "Hold Me Tight" as well as Dr. Esther Perel’s work including her book, “Mating in Captivity.”
I have helped couples in a variety of situations find more peace, happiness and fulfillment through counseling and education. When you come to me for couples counseling, we will work together to find solutions. I offer traditional, 50 minute sessions as well as full day intensives. The intensive work allows us to dive deep into the relationship without the challenge of attempting to wrap things up in a 50-minute session.
We will look at the patterns of communication you were taught from your families of origin and how they lead you toward success or failure in your current relationships. I look at our time together as a co-creation of what you want to achieve in therapy, which depends upon what you bring in to each session. We focus on what you want to achieve.
I don't have a "one size fits all" approach to couples counseling. Instead, I listen carefully to what each couple brings to each session. Through hearing what is important to each party, I help you get where you want to go, regardless of tool or technique. I enjoy working with all different types of relationships including same-sex relationships, polyamorous and open relationships, and non-monogamous relationships. Together we explore conflict resolution, healthy communication around difficult issues, rebuilding trust, and emotional and sexual intimacy.
My approach to therapy includes SFBT techniques. These techniques focus on your best hopes for yourself and those you love, and looks at what is working in your life instead of concentrating on what is not working. However serious your problems are, we can work together to identify what does and what will help you get to where you want to be. At the very least, we can work to identify the coping skills that are assisting you in keeping your head above water. We all have wisdom to generate solutions to our problems but sometimes we forget our own power. I can help your rediscover what you might have once known about who you truly are. In our counseling sessions, I will ask thought-provoking questions that aid in remembering your past solutions and help you understand how to use past solutions to handle problems in the future.
My local and international presentations and co-presentations include:
Solution Focused Brief Therapy in a Pastoral Context - Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association, November 2017
Soul-utions: Spirituality in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy - Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association, November 2015
Higher Hopes - Mile Hi Church, October 2015
Abundance & Prosperity in Recovery - Heart Mind Spirit Recovery Weekend - Breckenridge, September 2015
Applying SFBT to Your Work with LGBTQ Clients - SFBT International Clinical Applications Online Conference, September 2015
Being an LGBTQ Ally - Wonder Women 2015 Colorado Women's Health Conference, Breckenridge, June 2015
Substance Abuse/Misuse:Exploring What Works - Wonder Women Colorado Women's Health Conference, Breckenridge, June 2015
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with LGBTQ Clients - Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association, November 2014
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy with LGBTQ clients - American Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, October 2014
Releasing the Inner-Critic - Hey Denver, September & October 2014
Moving Beyond Addiction: Creating a magical life without the use of substances - Gender Identity Center, February 2014
HOPE: Crafting a life worth living - Mile Hi Church, January 2014
Creating Solutions with Service Members and Their Families - Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Association, November 2013
Working with Military and Their Families - Denver Family Institute
Trauma Queen: A Gay Man's Journey Through Trauma - Denver Element
Creating Miracles in Relationships - Mile Hi Church
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: An overview - Kaiser Permanente
Small steps lead to big changes.
Let’s do something different, together.

I am not a medical doctor, I do not prescribe medications. However, I can work with your prescribing physician or psychiatrist.
If you are in need of a licensed professional counselor who cares about your needs, call my Lakewood, Colorado, office at 303-388-9749.
Marc Coulter